Crazy Cravings


We all experience cravings from time to time, especially in the cooler months. But do these cravings have an underlying meaning - is it our body trying to tell us something? Or is it an evil power from above trying to ruin our diets?

Well, I’m here to tell you that your cravings might actually be a sign that your body is missing out on something important. One of the most common cravings I see in clinic, and experience myself, is for chocolate. For so long I just believed it was my hormones, or it was just my “addiction” to sugar. Now, while this can be true; An unquenchable craving for chocolate can actually be a craving for magnesium.

How do I make this connection you may ask?

Well, our body has this innate ability to want to restore balance within itself – so when our magnesium levels drop in our bodies, our body signals us that we need to increase our magnesium levels – these signals present as cravings! The craving our bodies generally choose to alarm us to this deficiency is the one for chocolate.

These chocolate cravings present because Cacao (raw and original form of chocolate) contains high levels of magnesium, naturally. However, the commercial ‘chocolate’ we buy from most supermarkets has no-where near its original Magnesium content and is usually packed full of sugar (which is less than desirable, as we all know).

So, should we listen to this craving?

YES! The answer is yes. Magnesium is an extremely important mineral that is used in over 200 chemical reactions within our body. Essential for brain function, neurotransmitter production, muscle relaxation, regulating our heart rhythm and blood pressure - The list goes on. We use up a lot of our magnesium when we are stressed, so that is when demand for this mineral increases, including around our period (Hello hormone/PMS cravings).

Is there a way we can supplement our magnesium levels, through foods, that aren’t processed and without all the sugars?

Another YES! Foods containing high levels of magnesium are as follows:

  • Raw Unprocessed Cacao

  • Green leafy vegetables

  • Garlic

  • Wholegrain cereals

  • Kelp

  • Eggs

  • Cashews

  • Almonds

  • Bananas

Next time you’re having a chocolate craving, remember it could be your body telling you it needs magnesium - Reach for one of these options instead and give your body what it’s missing.

As with any natural therapy or medication, you should discuss with your healthcare professional - such as a naturopath before taking.


Osteo...pour another glass of milk?


Pineapple - Natures Carnivore